

CFW Mental Health Blog

The founder of Center For Wellness, Dr. Gagandeep Singh, had the opportunity to discuss his thoughts on mental health and wellness during the pandemic.
Watch a video where Dr. Singh discusses CFW's purpose, vision, and services.
The CFW family appreciates the wonderful support we received! The response was so great that we were only able to get half of the attendees on camera. Honored and humbled …
One might ask if the success seems so daunting, why bother making New Year’s resolutions at all? The truth is, New Year’s is just another day, and making resolutions is just setting a goal.
New Year’s is a unique holiday. As we celebrate the passage of time, it is typical during New Year’s for people to reflect on their lives and resolve to make beneficial changes.
We are in the season of holiday festivities. Although various traditions may vary based on family, culture or religion, one thing is often common, stress around meeting expectations!
Naloxone, trademarked as Narcan, is an opiate antagonist which counteracts the life-threatening depression of the central nervous system and respiratory system caused by an opiate overdose.
You may have heard it said, “Addiction is a family disease.” This phrase often refers to the impact of the symptoms and behaviors that a substance use disorder has on the family members and friends of the identified ‘addict’.
There is a tragic irony in the fact that this article was written before the passing of Robin Williams. If we learn anything from his passing, it is that we must be vocal and outspoken about mental health and substance abuse issues.